Mitul Jay Patel, . and work as an Director at Kennedy Brothers Limited.
Laila Mohamed - Hamroun, . and work as an Secretary at Kennedy Brothers Limited.
Kennedy Brothers Limited Located at 45 Craven Road Paddington London, , . .

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Kennedy Brothers Limited

About Kennedy Brothers Limited
Kennedy Brothers Limited was registered on 15 July, 2003. Kennedy Brothers Limited's Corporate Identification (Company) Number is 04833144.

Their registered address on file is 45 Craven Road Paddington London, - , , .

Kennedy Brothers Limited currently have 2 Officers / Partners: Mitul Jay Patel,Laila Mohamed - Hamroun, and there are no other known Officers / partners in the company except these 2 officials at this time.

Kennedy Brothers Limited is currently in Active Status.

Company Name Kennedy Brothers Limited
Company Number 04833144
Registration Date 2003-07-15
Address 45 Craven Road Paddington London, ,
Company Type Private Limited Company
Company Status Active
Business Activities Dispensing Chemist In Specialised Stores
Previous Names Relatefancy Limited - Changed On: 21/09/2003
Active Officers
Mitul Jay PatelDirector
Laila Mohamed - HamrounSecretary
Inactive Officers
Vidyasagar EegamSecretary
Amit RoyDirector
Roy AmitSecretary
Jigar RaiyaniSecretary
Zahoor HussainDirector
Mohammad Beelal JawahirDirector
Dalip SinghDirector
Swift Incorporations LimitedNominated Secretary
Instant Companies LimitedNominated Director

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