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The information on CorporateDir is all a matter of public record, and is sourced from the official registers, and from published government data. We aim to be an accurate copy of this and other records, and thus do not remove companies or data that are in the public record. The reason this information about companies is published by governments is that the free flow of information about companies is essential for both a fair society (consumers need to know whether a company exists, what its standing is, and where to file suits in order to get redress), and a fair market.

We don't have contact details for companies other than those featured on the pages of CorporateDir. This is one of the reasons why we collect now addresses from other official filings, and why we are starting to collect web addresses and email addresses.

Unlike closed, proprietary databases of companies, we are scrupulous in publishing the source of the data, and also, where possible, the URL from which it was retrieved, and the date on which it was retrieved. All of this information is listed on each page. Sometimes registries do not have permanent URLs for each company/record, and in this case we have the main URL of the register or data source.

We are adding and updating hundreds of thousands of companies every day, and periodically add companies to the queue for being updated from the primary source (usually the company registry). However for many of the companies, you can ask for a company to be added to the front of the queue for updating, especially useful if the address, or other critical information has changed. Simply click on the 'Queue for Updating' button at the bottom right of the company page.

First, please check the primary source (there should be a link on every page to the source). Many of the queries we get are because the official registry is out of date (see above for correcting out-of-date information). If the data on the primary source is correct, and you've tried updating the information, please contact us at Contact Us