Paul French, . and work as an Director at Mayflower Heights Residents Association Limited.
Mark Andrew Everson, . and work as an Secretary at Mayflower Heights Residents Association Limited.
Henry Stoddart, . and work as an Director at Mayflower Heights Residents Association Limited.
Mayflower Heights Residents Association Limited Located at 18 Demelza Close Demelza Close Cuxton, Rochester, Rochester. .

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Mayflower Heights Residents Association Limited

About Mayflower Heights Residents Association Limited
Mayflower Heights Residents Association Limited was registered on 15 July, 2003. Mayflower Heights Residents Association Limited's Corporate Identification (Company) Number is 04833056.

Their registered address on file is 18 Demelza Close Demelza Close Cuxton, Rochester - , Rochester, England.

Mayflower Heights Residents Association Limited currently have 3 Officers / Partners: Paul French,Mark Andrew Everson,Henry Stoddart, and there are no other known Officers / partners in the company except these 3 officials at this time.

Mayflower Heights Residents Association Limited is currently in Active Status.

Company Name Mayflower Heights Residents Association Limited
Company Number 04833056
Registration Date 2003-07-15
Address 18 Demelza Close Demelza Close Cuxton, Rochester, England
Company Type Pri/ltd By Guar/nsc (private, Limited By Guarantee, No Share Capital)
Company Status Active
Business Activities Residents Property Management
Previous Names
Active Officers
Paul FrenchDirector
Mark Andrew EversonSecretary
Henry StoddartDirector
Inactive Officers
Mike JamesonDirector
Emma Rachel FelthamSecretary
David Arthur FicklingSecretary
Maureen PooleyNominated Secretary
Sheila Ann ColemanDirector
Bryan Fred GilleryDirector
Tracey Caroline HughesDirector
Maureen PooleyNominated Director
Alexa Lauren SartoriusDirector
Eversecretary LimitedSecretary
Everdirector LimitedDirector

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