Danny Boome Limited Located at 4 Cyrus Way, Cygnet Park, Hampton, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire. .

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Danny Boome Limited

About Danny Boome Limited
Danny Boome Limited was registered on 14 July, 2003. Danny Boome Limited's Corporate Identification (Company) Number is 04832306.

Their registered address on file is 4 Cyrus Way, Cygnet Park, Hampton, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire - , Cambridgeshire, .

Danny Boome Limited is currently in Dissolved Status.

Company Name Danny Boome Limited
Company Number 04832306
Registration Date 2003-07-14
Address 4 Cyrus Way, Cygnet Park, Hampton, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire,
Company Type Private Limited Company
Company Status Dissolved
Business Activities Catering
Other Business Activities
Radio And Television Activities
Previous Names Daniel Boome Limited - Changed On: 10/11/2003
Active Officers
Inactive Officers
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