Lysander Investments Plc Located at 15 Gatling Rd Abbey Wood, London, London. .

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Lysander Investments Plc

About Lysander Investments Plc
Lysander Investments Plc was registered on 22 July, 1976. Lysander Investments Plc's Corporate Identification (Company) Number is 01269908.

Their registered address on file is 15 Gatling Rd Abbey Wood, London - , London, .

Lysander Investments Plc is currently in Dissolved Status.

Company Name Lysander Investments Plc
Company Number 01269908
Registration Date 1976-07-22
Address 15 Gatling Rd Abbey Wood, London,
Company Type Public Limited Company
Company Status Dissolved
Business Activities None Given
Previous Names
Active Officers
Inactive Officers
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