Alpizar, Orlando Gm, . 7190 N w 12th Street Miami, FL 33126, and work as an AGENT at AVOFOODS INC..
Alpizar, Orlando, . 7190 Nw 12th Street Miami, FL 33126, and work as an P at AVOFOODS INC..
Pelaez, Luis M, . 45 Silo Lane Warwick, Ny 10990, and work as an S at AVOFOODS INC..
Pelaez, Emilio, . 7 Alpine Drive Closter, Nj 07624, and work as an T at AVOFOODS INC..
Pelaez, Antonio Jr., . 797 Shetland Lane Ridgefield, Nj 07657, and work as an VP at AVOFOODS INC..
AVOFOODS INC. Located at , FL, FL. .

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About Avofoods Inc.
Avofoods Inc. was registered on 30 November, -0001. Avofoods Inc.'s Corporate Identification (Document) Number is P95000064200.

Their registered address on file is , - , FL, .

Avofoods Inc. currently have 5 Officers / Partners: Alpizar, Orlando Gm,Alpizar, Orlando,Pelaez, Luis M,Pelaez, Emilio,Pelaez, Antonio Jr., and there are no other known Officers / partners in the company except these 5 officials at this time.

Avofoods Inc. is currently in INACT/UA Status.

Company Name AVOFOODS INC.
Document Number P95000064200
Registration Date -
Address , - , FL,
Company Status INACT/UA

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