Waheguru Vyapaar Pvt.ltd. was registered at Registrar of Companies ROC Kolkata on 16 August, 1994 and is categorised as Company limited by shares and an Non-government company.
Waheguru Vyapaar Pvt.ltd.'s Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U51909WB1994PTC064514 and Registeration Number is 064514.
Waheguru Vyapaar Pvt.ltd. registered address on file is 19, AMARTOLLA STREET, KOLKATA - 700001, West Bengal, India.
Waheguru Vyapaar Pvt.ltd. currently have 2 Active Directors / Partners: Manoj Jain, Pawan Kumar Jain, and there are no other Active Directors / Partners in the company except these 2 officials.
Waheguru Vyapaar Pvt.ltd. is involved in Activity and currently company is in Amalgamated Status.