Thankgodforpoker Llp was registered at Registrar of Companies ROC Mumbai on 28 September, 2021 and is categorised as Limited liability partnership firm.
Thankgodforpoker Llp's Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is AAY-7808
Thankgodforpoker Llp registered address on file is 303, Shri Arihant CHS, Plot No 23, Sector 16A Vashi, Navi Mumbai, 400703, Navi Mumbai - , , .
Thankgodforpoker Llp currently have 3 Active Directors / Partners: Neil Eric Sequeira, Karan Sawhney, Manish Jaswant Adnani, and there are no other Active Directors / Partners in the company except these 3 officials.
Thankgodforpoker Llp is involved in Activity and currently company is in Active Status.