Ramesh Ratanlal Gundecha, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Sanjay Pemraj Kothari, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Purushottam Nandlal Zawar, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Ramesh Ghevarchand Kothari, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Vaibhav Lodha, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Ajay Shobhachand Dakale, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Vilas Vasantrao Borawake, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Vijay Mulshankar Sevak, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Sandip Ashok Agrawal, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Manoj Subhash Chhajed, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Raman Ratanchandji Muttha, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Sunil Chandraprakash Gupta, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Vishal Kishor Phople, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Amol Shridhar Kolte, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Pravin Subhash Gulati, . Designation Director at SHRIRAMPUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION LIMITED.
Located at NA, AHMEDNAGAR, RoC-Pune. .

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About Shrirampur Merchants Association Limited
Shrirampur Merchants Association Limited was registered at Registrar of Companies ROC Pune on 26 March, 1945 and is categorised as Company limited by guarantee and an Non-government company.
Shrirampur Merchants Association Limited's Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U91990PN1945PLC004393 and Registeration Number is 004393.

Shrirampur Merchants Association Limited registered address on file is NA, AHMEDNAGAR - , RoC-Pune, .

Shrirampur Merchants Association Limited currently have 15 Active Directors / Partners: Ramesh Ratanlal Gundecha, Sanjay Pemraj Kothari, Purushottam Nandlal Zawar, Ramesh Ghevarchand Kothari, Vaibhav Lodha, Ajay Shobhachand Dakale, Vilas Vasantrao Borawake, Vijay Mulshankar Sevak, Sandip Ashok Agrawal, Manoj Subhash Chhajed, Raman Ratanchandji Muttha, Sunil Chandraprakash Gupta, Vishal Kishor Phople, Amol Shridhar Kolte, Pravin Subhash Gulati, and there are no other Active Directors / Partners in the company except these 15 officials.

Shrirampur Merchants Association Limited is involved in Activity and currently company is in Active Status.

CIN U91990PN1945PLC004393
Registration Date 26 March, 1945
Registeration No. 004393
RoC ROC Pune
State Roc-pune
Registered Address NA, AHMEDNAGAR, RoC-Pune
Category Company limited by guarantee
Sub Category Non-government company
Authorised Capital Rs 0 INR
PaidUp Capital Rs 0 INR
Company Class Public
Last Annual General Meeting Date 30 September, 2016
Date of Balance Sheet 31 March, 2016
Is Company Listed Not Listed
Company Status Active
Index of Charges
Asset Name Amount Creation Date Modification Date Status
No Charges found

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