Girindrachandra Chandrakant Vasudeo, . Designation Director at SCHENECTADY (INDIA) HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIM ITED.
Alexander Maccormick Malcolm, . Designation Director at SCHENECTADY (INDIA) HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIM ITED.
Gregg Wright Brown, . Designation Director at SCHENECTADY (INDIA) HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIM ITED.
Heather Moynihan Ward, . Designation Director at SCHENECTADY (INDIA) HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIM ITED.
Wallace Anthony Graham, . Designation Director at SCHENECTADY (INDIA) HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIM ITED.
Balasubramanyam Rajagopal, . Designation Director at SCHENECTADY (INDIA) HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIM ITED.
Located at 1003-1006, 10TH FLOOR, ARCADIA 195, NCPA MARG, NARIMAN POINT, MUMBAI, Maharashtra. .

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About Schenectady (india) Holdings Private Lim Ited
Schenectady (india) Holdings Private Lim Ited was registered at Registrar of Companies ROC Mumbai on 21 January, 1998 and is categorised as Company limited by shares and an subsidiary of company incorporated outside India.
Schenectady (india) Holdings Private Lim Ited's Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U67120MH1998FTC113138 and Registeration Number is 113138.

Schenectady (india) Holdings Private Lim Ited registered address on file is 1003-1006, 10TH FLOOR, ARCADIA 195, NCPA MARG, NARIMAN POINT, MUMBAI - 400021, Maharashtra, India.

Schenectady (india) Holdings Private Lim Ited currently have 6 Active Directors / Partners: Girindrachandra Chandrakant Vasudeo, Alexander Maccormick Malcolm, Gregg Wright Brown, Heather Moynihan Ward, Wallace Anthony Graham, Balasubramanyam Rajagopal, and there are no other Active Directors / Partners in the company except these 6 officials.

Schenectady (india) Holdings Private Lim Ited is involved in Activity and currently company is in Amalgamated Status.

CIN U67120MH1998FTC113138
Registration Date 21 January, 1998
Registeration No. 113138
RoC ROC Mumbai
State Maharashtra
Registered Address 1003-1006, 10TH FLOOR, ARCADIA 195, NCPA MARG, NARIMAN POINT, MUMBAI - 400021, Maharashtra, India
Category Company limited by shares
Sub Category subsidiary of company incorporated outside India
Authorised Capital Rs 435000000 INR
PaidUp Capital Rs 434053560 INR
Company Class Private
Last Annual General Meeting Date 09 August, 2011
Date of Balance Sheet 31 March, 2011
Is Company Listed Not Listed
Company Status Amalgamated
Resigned Directors
Director Name
Record not found
Index of Charges
Asset Name Amount Creation Date Modification Date Status
No Charges found

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