Mudit Kumar, . Designation Director at S P B P TEA PLANTATION LIMITED.
Dhirendra Kumar, . Designation Director at S P B P TEA PLANTATION LIMITED.
Prabha Rani Agarwal, . Designation Director at S P B P TEA PLANTATION LIMITED.
Gouri Shankar Kejriwal, . Designation Director at S P B P TEA PLANTATION LIMITED.
Praduman Kumar Jain, . Designation Director at S P B P TEA PLANTATION LIMITED.
Shashank Prashad, . Designation Director at S P B P TEA PLANTATION LIMITED.
Ramesh Chand, . Designation Director at S P B P TEA PLANTATION LIMITED.
Uma Kanta Borah, . Designation Director at S P B P TEA PLANTATION LIMITED.
Manoj Kumar Agarwal, . Designation Director at S P B P TEA PLANTATION LIMITED.
Manoj Kumar Agarwal, . Designation Director at S P B P TEA PLANTATION LIMITED.
Located at JAIPUR TEA ESTATE P.O. JEYPORE, DIST: DIBRUGARH AS 786614 IN, Dibrugarh, Assam. .

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About S P B P Tea Plantation Limited
S P B P Tea Plantation Limited was registered at Registrar of Companies Shillong on 01 January, 1970 and is categorised as Company limited by Shares and an Non-govt company.
S P B P Tea Plantation Limited's Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is L01132AS1982PLC007417 and Registeration Number is 007417.

S P B P Tea Plantation Limited registered address on file is JAIPUR TEA ESTATE P.O. JEYPORE, DIST: DIBRUGARH AS 786614 IN, Dibrugarh - 786614, Assam, .

S P B P Tea Plantation Limited currently have 10 Active Directors / Partners: Mudit Kumar, Dhirendra Kumar, Prabha Rani Agarwal, Gouri Shankar Kejriwal, Praduman Kumar Jain, Shashank Prashad, Ramesh Chand, Uma Kanta Borah, Manoj Kumar Agarwal, Manoj Kumar Agarwal, and there are no other Active Directors / Partners in the company except these 10 officials.

S P B P Tea Plantation Limited is involved in Agriculture & Allied Activities Activity and currently company is in Active Status.

Company Activity Agriculture & Allied Activities
CIN L01132AS1982PLC007417
Registration Date 01 January, 1970
Registeration No. 007417
RoC Shillong
State Assam
Registered Address JAIPUR TEA ESTATE P.O. JEYPORE, DIST: DIBRUGARH AS 786614 IN, Dibrugarh - 786614, Assam
Category Company limited by Shares
Sub Category Non-govt company
Authorised Capital Rs 20000000.0 INR
PaidUp Capital Rs 19571500.0 INR
Company Class Public
Last Annual General Meeting Date 15 September, 2016
Date of Balance Sheet 31 March, 2016
Is Company Listed Yes, S P B P Tea Plantation Limited is LISTED
Company Status Active
Resigned Directors
Director Name
Record not found
Index of Charges
Asset Name Amount Creation Date Modification Date Status
Immovable property or any interest therein Rs 1213136 INR 29 January, 2011 - Open
Immovable property or any interest therein Rs 947763 INR 30 November, 2008 - Open
Rs 40500000 INR 08 September, 2006 31 May, 2014 Closed
Immovable property or any interest therein
Book debts
Floating charge
Movable property (not being pledge)
All other Current and Moveable Fixed Assets.
Rs 49500000 INR 08 September, 2006 12 April, 2017 Open

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