Pushkar Dutt Bansal, . Designation Partner at PRAJATMA ENTERPRISES LLP.
Himanshu Pradeep Mody, . Designation Partner at PRAJATMA ENTERPRISES LLP.
Dinesh Shyamsunder Kanodia, . Designation Partner at PRAJATMA ENTERPRISES LLP.
Ravinder Kumar Dogra, . Designation Partner at PRAJATMA ENTERPRISES LLP.
Vipin Choudhary, . Designation Partner at PRAJATMA ENTERPRISES LLP.
Vikas Somani, . Designation Partner at PRAJATMA ENTERPRISES LLP.
Pankaj Purshottam Suroliya, . Designation Partner at PRAJATMA ENTERPRISES LLP.
Anil Chougule, . Designation Partner at PRAJATMA ENTERPRISES LLP.
Shubham Shree, . Designation Partner at PRAJATMA ENTERPRISES LLP.
Amish Pandya, . Designation Partner at PRAJATMA ENTERPRISES LLP.
Rohan Sanjay Kabra, . Designation Partner at PRAJATMA ENTERPRISES LLP.
Piyush Rajgarhia, . Designation Partner at PRAJATMA ENTERPRISES LLP.
Shankar Bhandari, . Designation Partner at PRAJATMA ENTERPRISES LLP.
Located at , , . .

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About Prajatma Enterprises Llp

Prajatma Enterprises Llp currently have 13 Active Directors / Partners: Pushkar Dutt Bansal, Himanshu Pradeep Mody, Dinesh Shyamsunder Kanodia, Ravinder Kumar Dogra, Vipin Choudhary, Vikas Somani, Pankaj Purshottam Suroliya, Anil Chougule, Shubham Shree, Amish Pandya, Rohan Sanjay Kabra, Piyush Rajgarhia, Shankar Bhandari, and there are no other Active Directors / Partners in the company except these 13 officials.

CIN AAA-2199
Registration Date 01 January, 1970
Index of Charges
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