P Chandrasekar Llp was registered at Registrar of Companies ROC Bangalore on 31 May, 2017 and is categorised as Limited liability partnership firm.
P Chandrasekar Llp's Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is AAJ-5668
P Chandrasekar Llp registered address on file is S-512,514 Manipal Centre, No 47, Dikenson Road, Bangalore - 560042, KA, IN.
P Chandrasekar Llp currently have 5 Active Directors / Partners: Lakshmy Chandrasekaran, Chandrasekaran Pattabhiraman, Srinivasan Rajagopalan, G Chandrasekhar, R Balagurumurthy, and there are no other Active Directors / Partners in the company except these 5 officials.
P Chandrasekar Llp is involved in Activity and currently company is in Active Status.