Sevantilal Jivanlal Parekh, . Designation Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Sanjay Praveenchand Dosi, . Designation Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Balkishan Udairam Toshniwal, . Designation Whole-time Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Vinod Mimani, . Designation Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Vishnunarain Deviprasad Khanna, . Designation Whole-time Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Shivratan Jeetmal Taparia, . Designation Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Adarsh Rajendra Somani, . Designation Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Rajendra Somani, . Designation Managing Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Surendra Somani, . Designation Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Susheel Gajadhar Somani, . Designation Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Karthik Balachandran Athreya, . Designation Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Sanjay K Jain, . Designation Secretary at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Krishnagopal Badriprasad Gupta, . Designation Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Ganga Ram Nilacanta Iyer, . Designation Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Sujata Parekh Kumar, . Designation Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Pramod Vasudev Sarda, . Designation Director at ORICON ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Located at 1076, DR. E.M0SES ROAD, WORLI, MUMBAI, Maharashtra. .

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About Oricon Enterprises Limited
Oricon Enterprises Limited was registered at Registrar of Companies ROC Mumbai on 07 December, 1968 and is categorised as Company limited by shares and an Non-government company.
Oricon Enterprises Limited's Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is L28100MH1968PLC014156 and Registeration Number is 014156.

Oricon Enterprises Limited registered address on file is 1076, DR. E.M0SES ROAD, WORLI, MUMBAI - 400018, Maharashtra, India.

Oricon Enterprises Limited currently have 15 Active Directors / Partners: Sevantilal Jivanlal Parekh, Sanjay Praveenchand Dosi, Balkishan Udairam Toshniwal, Vinod Mimani, Vishnunarain Deviprasad Khanna, Shivratan Jeetmal Taparia, Adarsh Rajendra Somani, Rajendra Somani, Surendra Somani, Susheel Gajadhar Somani, Sanjay K Jain, Krishnagopal Badriprasad Gupta, Ganga Ram Nilacanta Iyer, Sujata Parekh Kumar, Pramod Vasudev Sarda, and there are no other Active Directors / Partners in the company except these 15 officials.

Oricon Enterprises Limited is involved in Activity and currently company is in Active Status.

CIN L28100MH1968PLC014156
Registration Date 07 December, 1968
Registeration No. 014156
RoC ROC Mumbai
State Maharashtra
Registered Address 1076, DR. E.M0SES ROAD, WORLI, MUMBAI - 400018, Maharashtra, India
Category Company limited by shares
Sub Category Non-government company
Authorised Capital Rs 1485000000 INR
PaidUp Capital Rs 314095430 INR
Company Class Public
Last Annual General Meeting Date 28 September, 2022
Date of Balance Sheet 31 March, 2022
Is Company Listed Not Listed
Company Status Active
Index of Charges
Asset Name Amount Creation Date Modification Date Status
Immovable property or any interest therein Rs 90000000 INR 30 October, 1996 - Open
Book debts
Movable property (not being pledge)
Rs 795000000 INR 30 June, 1999 30 May, 2005 Closed
Rs 150000000 INR 29 December, 2009 - Closed
Rs 80000000 INR 02 April, 2011 - Closed
Rs 61200000 INR 25 February, 2005 - Closed
Movable property (not being pledge) Rs 17500000 INR 05 June, 2014 - Closed
Movable property (not being pledge) Rs 65000000 INR 11 January, 2002 - Closed
Rs 37200000 INR 21 June, 2005 - Closed
Rs 21600000 INR 09 June, 2005 - Closed
Immovable property or any interest therein Rs 300000000 INR 10 September, 2015 - Closed
Immovable property or any interest therein Rs 45000000 INR 18 August, 2006 - Open
Movable property (not being pledge) Rs 55000000 INR 21 January, 2002 - Closed
Immovable property or any interest therein Rs 150000000 INR 16 January, 1998 - Open
Immovable property or any interest therein Rs 650000000 INR 08 December, 2007 - Closed
Movable property (not being pledge) Rs 90000000 INR 15 February, 1996 - Open
Movable property (not being pledge) Rs 100000000 INR 15 February, 1999 - Open
Immovable property or any interest therein
Book debts
Floating charge
Rs 250000000 INR 28 February, 2008 14 June, 2016 Closed
Movable property (not being pledge)
Rs 150000000 INR 19 January, 2017 - Open

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