Ravikumar Virjibhai Ravani, . Designation Partner at NETRA ENTERPRISE LLP.
Tejaskumar Virjibhai Ravani, . Designation Partner at NETRA ENTERPRISE LLP.
Chirag Dhanvantrai Doshi, . Designation Partner at NETRA ENTERPRISE LLP.
Manthan Keshubhai Sardhara, . Designation Partner at NETRA ENTERPRISE LLP.
Bhupendrakumar Rudabhai Sardhara, . Designation Partner at NETRA ENTERPRISE LLP.
Sanjay Kanubhai Dobariya, . Designation Partner at NETRA ENTERPRISE LLP.
Located at , , . .

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About Netra Enterprise Llp

Netra Enterprise Llp currently have 6 Active Directors / Partners: Ravikumar Virjibhai Ravani, Tejaskumar Virjibhai Ravani, Chirag Dhanvantrai Doshi, Manthan Keshubhai Sardhara, Bhupendrakumar Rudabhai Sardhara, Sanjay Kanubhai Dobariya, and there are no other Active Directors / Partners in the company except these 6 officials.

Company Activity Construction
CIN AAK-7467
Registration Date 10 April, 2017
Resigned Partners
Partner Name
Record not found
Index of Charges
Asset Name Amount Creation Date Modification Date Status
No Charges found

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