Malhar Sakhar Karkhana Limited was registered at Registrar of Companies ROC Pune on 19 November, 1997 and is categorised as Company limited by shares and an Non-government company.
Malhar Sakhar Karkhana Limited's Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U15424MH1997PLC111962 and Registeration Number is 111962.
Malhar Sakhar Karkhana Limited registered address on file is AT POST VELAPUR TALUKA MALSIRUS, SOLAPUR - 000000, Maharashtra, India.
Malhar Sakhar Karkhana Limited currently have 5 Active Directors / Partners: Sadhna Kashinath Deokate, Himalay Kashinath Deokate, Pritamsinh Kashinath Deokate, Kashinath Kisan Deokate, Shambhuraje Kashinath Deokate, and there are no other Active Directors / Partners in the company except these 5 officials.
Malhar Sakhar Karkhana Limited is involved in Activity and currently company is in Active Status.