Jars Savory Llp was registered at Registrar of Companies ROC Mumbai on 01 April, 2017 and is categorised as Limited liability partnership firm.
Jars Savory Llp's Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is AAJ-0493
Jars Savory Llp registered address on file is 304, 3rd Floor, Enterprise Centre, Opp Airlink Hotel, Off Nehru Road, Vile Parle East, Mumbai - 400099, MH, IN.
Jars Savory Llp currently have 4 Active Directors / Partners: Jay Dedhia Narendra, Deepak Chatrumal Achharya, Sameeksha Suresh Hegde, Akshay Amritlal Jain, and there are no other Active Directors / Partners in the company except these 4 officials.
Jars Savory Llp is involved in Activity and currently company is in Active Status.