Aspee Agricultuural Research And Development Foundation .ndation Fou was registered at Registrar of Companies ROC Mumbai on 17 October, 1973 and is categorised as Company limited by guarantee and an Non-government company.
Aspee Agricultuural Research And Development Foundation .ndation Fou's Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U01110MH1973NPL016934 and Registeration Number is 016934.
Aspee Agricultuural Research And Development Foundation .ndation Fou registered address on file is ASPEE HOUSE B.J.PATEL ROAD MALAD (W) , MUMBAI, P.B.NO 7602, Mumbai - 400064, RoC-Mumbai, India.
Aspee Agricultuural Research And Development Foundation .ndation Fou currently have 3 Active Directors / Partners: Sharad Lallubhai Patel, Kiran Lallubhai Patel, Sakleshpura Rangaswamy Srinivasa, and there are no other Active Directors / Partners in the company except these 3 officials.
Aspee Agricultuural Research And Development Foundation .ndation Fou is involved in Activity and currently company is in Active Status.