uFluidix Incorporated Located at 17-689 Warden Ave, SCARBOROUGH,Ontario, M1L 4R6, , Scarborough, Ontario. .

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uFluidix Incorporated

About Ufluidix Incorporated

Ufluidix Incorporated registered place of business address in record is: 17-689 Warden Ave, SCARBOROUGH,Ontario, M1L 4R6, Canada

Company Name uFluidix Incorporated
Operating Name uFluidix
Establishment Number 234567158865
Website Visit uFluidix Incorporated Website
Phone 416-699-7111
Established Year -
Province Ontario
Address 17-689 Warden Ave
M1L 4R6
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Aarash Sofla (CEO)
Phone Number 416-699-7111
Fax Number
Country of Ownership
uFluidix Incorporated Company Services
ServiceService Description
Lab on a Chip devices, that use microfluidic components.uFluidix specializes in manufacturing and developing of microfluidic devices. These are components usually made of plastic, smaller than a credit card. Inside, they houses micro-channels for the passage of tiny volume of liquid (e.g. blood) as little as a fraction of a droplet. The channels can be 10 times thinner than human hair. Microfluidic chips are key components of a new class of hand-held devices called lab-on-a-chip. Lab-on-a-chips are used for point-of-care diagnostics, DNA analysis, tissue engineering, research, drug development, etc. An example of a lab-on-a-chip on the market is hand-held glucose monitoring devices that use microfluidic cartridges.
uFluidix Incorporated Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
339110Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing

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