Mussbacher Enterprises Ltd Located at 104-20121 Willowbrook Dr. , LANGLEY, British Columbia, V2Y 0L3, , Langley, British Columbia. .

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Mussbacher Enterprises Ltd

About Mussbacher Enterprises Ltd

Mussbacher Enterprises Ltd registered place of business address in record is: 104-20121 Willowbrook Dr. , LANGLEY, British Columbia, V2Y 0L3, Canada

Company Name Mussbacher Enterprises Ltd
Operating Name Once Upon A Child Langley
Establishment Number 234567157037
Website Visit Mussbacher Enterprises Ltd Website
Phone 604-510-6822
Established Year -
Province British Columbia
Address 104-20121 Willowbrook Dr.
LANGLEY, British Columbia
V2Y 0L3
Business Activity Retail
Conatct Person Duncan Mussbacher (Owner)
Phone Number 604-510-6822
Fax Number
Country of Ownership
Mussbacher Enterprises Ltd Company Services
ServiceService Description
RetailSAVE up to 70% OFF retail everday!!! Save yourself the hassle of garage sales and online listings when you can swing into the nation's leading buyer and seller of name brand, new and gently used kids stuff. Simply gather up your gently used kids stuff including: clothing, playards, toddler beds, changing tables, strollers highchairs, toys and bring them to Once Upon A Child for $$$ on-the-spot for all items accepted.Kids look so great in stylish outfits, but who wants to pay high-end prices when clothes are outgrown so quickly? Once Upon A Child offers the perfect solution: the latest in new and gently used brand name clothes, toys, books, equipment, and furniture…just right for fast-growing babies, toddlers and youth. Because we are buying new and gently used items from our customers all day, every day, our inventory changes, so shop often!
Mussbacher Enterprises Ltd Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
448130Children's and Infants' Clothing Stores
453310Used Merchandise Stores

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