Copper Expressions Located at P.O. Box 1022, ST GEORGE BRANT, Ontario, N0E 1N0, , St George Brant, Ontario. .

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Copper Expressions

About Copper Expressions

Copper Expressions was established in year 2002

Copper Expressions registered place of business address in record is: P.O. Box 1022, ST GEORGE BRANT, Ontario, N0E 1N0, Canada

Company Name Copper Expressions
Operating Name Copper Expressions Landscape Lighting Design
Establishment Number 234567140747
Website Visit Copper Expressions Website
Phone 519-448-9436
Established Year 2002
Province Ontario
Address P.O. Box 1022
N0E 1N0
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Ken Martin (Owner)
Phone Number 519-448-9436
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Copper Expressions Company Services
ServiceService Description
Landscape Lighting DesignerCopper Expressions is a Landscape Lighting Design/installation firm servicing clients within and outside North America. Landscape lighting offers an incredible expansion of the enjoyment of both residential and commercial properties. It makes outdoor spaces usable at night and adds a magical view into the landscape from interior spaces. Ken Martin, the principle designer, brings passion and experience to his landscape lighting designs for his clients. “Every system that I design and install is a potential sales lead, as most of my lighting projects are done by referral”. Ken offers an artistic approach with his designs and provides function, aesthetics and composition, which are all important components of a good landscape lighting system. Although specializing in estate lighting, Ken has worked on some commercial ventures and many smaller residences. Lighting can add not only beauty and elegance to a home, it can offer safety and security which allows maximum use of spaces, and it can accentuate architectural and landscaping features which can often be a large investment for homeowners. Most clients consider their home a sanctuary, spending little time there during the daylight hours with the exception of weekends. When home, it’s usually a time of rest and relaxation or time spent entertaining friends and family. Ken creates an emotional response or simply makes these environments comfortable. “I am now mentoring other new professionals at the world-renowned Landscape Lighting Resource Institute in Troy, NY, several times each year and travelling extensively to help homeowners achieve their main desire, to extend and utilize their outdoor spaces in the evening”. [email protected]
Copper Expressions Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
238210Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors
541340Drafting Services
541490Other Specialized Design Services

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