Globalis International Located at 210-2345 Michelin St, LAVAL,Quebec, H7L 5B9, , Laval, Quebec. .

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Globalis International

About Globalis International

Globalis International was established in year 2002

Globalis International registered place of business address in record is: 210-2345 Michelin St, LAVAL,Quebec, H7L 5B9, Canada

Company Name Globalis International
Establishment Number 234567107795
Website Visit Globalis International Website
Phone 450-686-9981
Established Year 2002
Province Quebec
Address 210-2345 Michelin St
H7L 5B9
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person Doria Rahmani (Responsable Marketing)
Phone Number 514-855-4994
Fax Number 514-855-0541
Country of Ownership Canada
Globalis International Company Services
ServiceService Description
Printers/ Banking Products/ Software Solutions/ ConsumablesGlobalis Portfolio includes: - Printers: Dot Matrix, Line Matrix, Laser, Continuous Laser, Thermal and Transactional printers. - Financial: Globalis Banking solutions comprise a high performance range of ATM models (Lobby, through-the-wall) as well as banknote counters and counterfeit notes detector. - Software: Globalis proposes a unique intelligent E-form Software solution with true bilingual support, bilingual terminal emulators, and Laser Arabization Modules. - Consumables: Globalis offers a variety of high quality consumables for Globalis printers and other printer brands.
Globalis International Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
417310Computer, Computer Peripheral and Pre-Packaged Software Wholesaler-Distributors

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