Communication Formation Intervention Syllab Inc. Located at 4500, av. Patricia, MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H4B 1Z1, , Montreal, QC, Quebec. .

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Communication Formation Intervention Syllab Inc.

About Communication Formation Intervention Syllab Inc.

Communication Formation Intervention Syllab Inc. was established in year 1992

Communication Formation Intervention Syllab Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 4500, av. Patricia, MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H4B 1Z1, Canada

Company Name Communication Formation Intervention Syllab Inc.
Operating Name CFI Syllab Inc.
Establishment Number 234567104177
Website Visit Communication Formation Intervention Syllab Inc. Website
Phone 514-485-4601
Established Year 1992
Province Quebec
Address 4500, av. Patricia
H4B 1Z1
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Sylvie Labelle (President)
Phone Number 514-485-4601
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Communication Formation Intervention Syllab Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
CoachingOrganisational, professional and personal: integral coaching to improve overall leadership skills, to prevent derailment, to improve communication and interpersonal skills, for self-awareness/relection
Course: From Manager to LeaderObjectives : The course will enable you to understand the full meaning of leadership and see the leadership potential in yourself and others. It will allow you to recognize and facilitate the fundamental transformations in today’s organizations and leaders. More specifically, after attending this seminar, you should be able to: • Identify psychological impact of change and a leader’s role within a context of change • Implement the eight-stage model of planned change • Develop the necessary interpersonal skills in dealing with pockets of resistance to change in such a way as to enable change and comfort within the organization • Identify leadership styles in oneself and identify areas for improvement and growth • Construct teams, diagnose existing teams and improve team functioning • Act as a communication champion rather than just as an information processor • Use key elements of effective listening and understand why listening is important to leader communication • Use communication feedback and realize its importance in leadership
Course: Sowing Creativity, Reaping Innovation!Introduction to Creativity Why is creativity important? Am I creative? What is creativity Neuro-physiological basis Creative Path (or Creative Problem-Solving) A step by step process for generating and implementing innovative solutions Specify a challenge Apply the steps of the Creative Path to a real life issue chosen by the participants Establishing a Creative Environment How do I create? What conditions affect my creative performance and the one of others? Agreement Circle The Ten Commandments of Innovating What’s my roadblock to creativity and the one of others? LCS : How to respond to a new idea Questions to Stimulate a Climate of Innovation My Creativity Style My preferred approach Benefits of Creativity versatility
Creativity, innovation, creative leadership, innovative leadership, personal and organisational transformation, facilitation, coachingCreativity training, out of the box thinking, maximizing your creative and innovative leadership, ethical and creative decision-making facilitation, personal awareness development through the development of your inner self, optimizing your team creative climate, CFI Syllab & Associates had an integrated experience to help you achieve it, through training, coaching, organizational processes, etc.
Gérer le changement efficacementGÉRER LE CHANGEMENT EFFICACEMENT Objectifs : 1) Connaître les bases individuelles, d’équipe et organisationnelles de gestion de changement 2) Être apte à comprendre ce qui se passe aux différentes étapes d’une transition et d’un changement 3) Être outillé afin de mobiliser les gens dans un changement (intrapersonnel, interpersonnel, comportemental et de processus) 4) Vérifier comment je peux amener mon équipe et mon organisation à travers un changement planifié. Déroulement de la journée (ou 2 journées) : 1. Ma perception du changement et ses mythes a. Comment les gens répondent-ils au changement? b. Réactions aux pressions c. Comment réagissons-nous aux changements? d. Représentations mentales 2. Quelles sont les étapes du changement? a. Phases du changement b. Phases de transition vs stress c. Indicateurs de stress d. Types de pertes e. Facteurs de résistance au changement 3. Quel est mon « style » dans le changement? (questionnaire) 4. La « résistance » et moi a. Les façons habituelles de composer avec la résistance b. Les façons efficaces de composer avec la résistance c. Pour dépasser la résistance au changement d. Attitudes à adopter face aux « résistances » aux changements 5. Comment contribuer constructivement au changement? a. Réflexions sommaires b. Quelle sorte de gestionnaire de changement suis-je? (questionnaire) c. Exercice d’auto observation d. À propos des croyances i. Croyances limitatives / aidantes par rapport à nous –mêmes ii. Processus de renforcement des croyances e. Prendre en charge les nouvelles idées (individuel et/ou en petits groupes) (ou comment s’approprier les nouvelles idées en pratique) f. Aider les autres/mes clients à prendre le changement (exercice en dyade) g. Les 8 étapes du changement organisationnel planifié i. Modèle ii. Étude de cas iii. Comment cela s’applique chez nous? (liste de vérification) h. Modèle de Lewin du changement organisationnel planifié i. Le DO et le processus de changement planifié j. Dix recettes pour rater le changement. 6. Comment m’énergiser dans le changement? a) Changements et pensées b) Développer les aptitudes gagnantes c) Se poser des questions pour faire face à nos peurs et les résoudre d) Visualiser un état désiré e) Gérer la réalité avec efficience f) Comment devenir un agent de changement
Process facilitationFor teams, strategic planniing, new products/services, etc.
TrainingIn creativity, innovation, leadership, problem solving, coaching, time management, mobilizing leadership
Communication Formation Intervention Syllab Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
611430Professional and Management Development Training

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