Konnexio Inc. Located at 14-70 Pacific Crt, London,Ontario, N5V 3R5, , London, Ontario. .

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Konnexio Inc.

About Konnexio Inc.

Konnexio Inc. was established in year 2003

Konnexio Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 14-70 Pacific Crt, London,Ontario, N5V 3R5, Canada

KONNEXIO INC. Company Profile
Company Name Konnexio Inc.
Establishment Number 234567099382
Website Visit Konnexio Inc. Website
Phone 519-457-8836
Established Year 2003
Province Ontario
Address 14-70 Pacific Crt
N5V 3R5
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Konrad Konnerth (President)
Phone Number 519-457-8836
Fax Number 519-457-8896
Country of Ownership Canada
Konnexio Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Adapto™ - Smart Cells TechnologyAdapto™, a unique and innovative assembly automation and testing machine system comprised of modular Smart Cells. These Smart Cells can be employed individually as stand-alone assembly and testing machines able to perform multiple operations or may further be linked together to create a highly complex assembly line performing any number of assembly and testing functions. A wide range of industry sectors, including Tier 1 and Tier 2 automotive parts assemblers, medical device manufacturers, transportation, and consumer goods manufacturers have gained the flexibility to quickly and inexpensively adjust tooling and processes in order to accommodate product modifications. Adapto™ was developed to offer customers the highest degree of flexibility in their assembly applications while providing unparalleled return on investment and simple, effortless options for future retooling requirements.
Automated Assembly & Testing MachinesCustom made machine types: - Adapto: Up to 30 cycles per minute. Each cell can assemble multiple component parts. Servo-driven programmable motions. Cells can be used in linear or rotary system. Peripherals such as vision and feeding systems robots are easily integrated. -Rotary & Linear Cam Driven Machines: 60 to 120 cycles per minute. Dedicated tooling and mechanical motions. Subassemblies are sometimes possible within the station or cell. -Linear Pallet Transfer Lines: 2 to 15 cycles per minute. Each assembly step is typically performed in separate stations or cells. Dedicated tooling. Subassemblies are sometimes possible within the station or cell. Simple machine concept to build. -Single Station Machines: Mostly build for large parts. Low volume assembly. Manual operations are commonly integrated. With tooling aids.
Konnexio Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
332710Machine Shops
333299All Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing

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