Metrex Systems Consulting Inc Located at 210-1600 Kenaston Blvd, Suite 330, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R3P 0Y4, , Winnipeg, Manitoba. .

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Metrex Systems Consulting Inc

About Metrex Systems Consulting Inc

Metrex Systems Consulting Inc was established in year 1999

Metrex Systems Consulting Inc registered place of business address in record is: 210-1600 Kenaston Blvd, Suite 330, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R3P 0Y4, Canada

Company Name Metrex Systems Consulting Inc
Establishment Number 234567020519
Website Visit Metrex Systems Consulting Inc Website
Phone 204-992-9400
Established Year 1999
Province Manitoba
Address 210-1600 Kenaston Blvd
Suite 330
R3P 0Y4
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Daniel Little (President)
Phone Number 204-992-9400
Fax Number 204-992-9401
Country of Ownership Canada
Metrex Systems Consulting Inc Company Services
ServiceService Description
CRM softwareMETREX solutions are based on our powerful MOMEX platform. The MOMEX suite of database-driven web applications is rich in functionality and adaptable enough to bridge the efficiency gap for many industries. The philosophy behind Momex involves seeing the hidden value in the information businesses process every day. At Metrex we believe information is a commodity. Knowing and effectively managing information such as product details, inventory levels, order statuses and customer profiles is the key to providing world class customer service. While Momex has been optimized for web based deployment and is typically deployed within the Metrex managed environment, it is also platform independent. This means all Momex applications can run on virtually any computing platform, including UNIX, Windows, MAC OS X and Solaris.
Customized Web Application DevelopmentCompanies utilize the Internet in different ways. Metrex can tie together existing systems with your website, as well as producing custom-developed applications to support the services you require on your site.
Web site designComplete web site design, planning, development, database integration and eCommerce solutions.
Web DevelopmentMETREX solutions are based on our powerful MOMEX platform. The MOMEX suite of database-driven web applications is rich in functionality and adaptable enough to bridge the efficiency gap for many industries. The philosophy behind Momex involves seeing the hidden value in the information businesses process every day. At Metrex we believe information is a commodity. Knowing and effectively managing information such as product details, inventory levels, order statuses and customer profiles is the key to providing world class customer service. While Momex has been optimized for web based deployment and is typically deployed within the Metrex managed environment, it is also platform independent. This means all Momex applications can run on virtually any computing platform, including UNIX, Windows, MAC OS X and Solaris.
eCommerceShopping cart designed in-house and re-configured to meet your needs, ensuring secure delivery of purchasing information.
Web HostingSites designed by Metrex are generally database driven and require hosting on a stable and secure platform. Servers maintained by Metrex offer these services.
MomexMETREX solutions are based on our powerful MOMEX platform. The MOMEX suite of database-driven web applications is rich in functionality and adaptable enough to bridge the efficiency gap for many industries. The philosophy behind Momex involves seeing the hidden value in the information businesses process every day. At Metrex we believe information is a commodity. Knowing and effectively managing information such as product details, inventory levels, order statuses and customer profiles is the key to providing world class customer service. While Momex has been optimized for web based deployment and is typically deployed within the Metrex managed environment, it is also platform independent. This means all Momex applications can run on virtually any computing platform, including UNIX, Windows, MAC OS X and Solaris.
Metrex Systems Consulting Inc Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
518210Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services
541510Computer Systems Design and Related Services

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