933460 Ontario Inc. Located at 3-4 Nihan Dr., ST CATHARINES,Ontario, L2N 1L1, , St Catharines, Ontario. .

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933460 Ontario Inc.

About 933460 Ontario Inc.

933460 Ontario Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 3-4 Nihan Dr., ST CATHARINES,Ontario, L2N 1L1, Canada

933460 ONTARIO INC. Company Profile
Company Name 933460 Ontario Inc.
Operating Name Napier Enterprises
Establishment Number 234567019261
Website Visit 933460 Ontario Inc. Website
Phone 905-935-0427
Established Year -
Province Ontario
Address 3-4 Nihan Dr.
L2N 1L1
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person Roman Napieraj (President)
Phone Number 905-935-0427
Fax Number 905-935-2918
Country of Ownership Canada
933460 Ontario Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Camping AccessoriesA full line of vehicle camping tents and camping accessories, including footprints, strap protectors, Full Rain Fly, travel bags, and air mattresses.
Sportz Truck Tent, Sportz SUV/Minivan Tent, and BackroadzThe patented line of Sportz Truck tents - nylon camping tents that fit the bed of virtually all trucks on the market; Sportz SUV tent - nylon tent that connect to your SUV/Minivan or CUV for camping and additional storage; Backroadz Truck and SUV tents – environmentally friendly and value priced vehicle camping tents made to fit SUVs, CUVs, Minivans and Trucks.
933460 Ontario Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
414470Amusement and Sporting Goods Wholesaler-Distributors
415190Recreational and Other Motor Vehicles Wholesaler-Distributors

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