Karoly-J. Ltd. Golfcourse Fairway Advertising Located at 84 Oak St, SIMCOE,Ontario, N3Y 3J8, , Simcoe, Ontario. .

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Karoly-J. Ltd. Golfcourse Fairway Advertising

About Karoly-j. Ltd. Golfcourse Fairway Advertising

Karoly-j. Ltd. Golfcourse Fairway Advertising registered place of business address in record is: 84 Oak St, SIMCOE,Ontario, N3Y 3J8, Canada

Company Name Karoly-J. Ltd. Golfcourse Fairway Advertising
Establishment Number 234567019059
Website -
Phone 519-426-7648
Established Year -
Province Ontario
Address 84 Oak St
N3Y 3J8
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Charles Jambor (President)
Phone Number 519-426-7648
Fax Number 519-426-0922
Country of Ownership
Karoly-J. Ltd. Golfcourse Fairway Advertising Company Services
ServiceService Description
Golfcourse fairway distance markerDistance markers are produced with distance to the centre of the green only(genetic markers) or with distance and advertising, the later being offered to the golf courses free of charge. Please see www.yardmarx.bizland.com for details
Karoly-J. Ltd. Golfcourse Fairway Advertising Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
339920Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing

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