Alberta Cartridge and Ribbon Located at 3203 97 St, EDMONTON,Alberta, T6N 1B7, , Edmonton, Alberta. .

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Alberta Cartridge and Ribbon

About Alberta Cartridge And Ribbon

Alberta Cartridge And Ribbon was established in year 1991

Alberta Cartridge And Ribbon registered place of business address in record is: 3203 97 St, EDMONTON,Alberta, T6N 1B7, Canada

Company Name Alberta Cartridge and Ribbon
Establishment Number 234567019027
Website Visit Alberta Cartridge and Ribbon Website
Phone 780-499-1616
Established Year 1991
Province Alberta
Address 3203 97 St
T6N 1B7
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Bill Crooks (Proprietor)
Phone Number 780-434-0351
Fax Number 780-430-3650
Country of Ownership Canada
Alberta Cartridge and Ribbon Company Services
ServiceService Description
Computer printer, cash register and ribbon supplies.Remanufacture (refill) of laser toner cartridges, inkjet cartridges and computer and cash register ribbons. Sales of new OEM and compatible of these products as well as new paper roll and cleaning cards for cash registers and debit/credit machines.
Alberta Cartridge and Ribbon Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
333310Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing

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