Philexpert Inc. Located at 9999, boul. Parkway, ANJOU,Quebec, H1J 1P7, , Anjou, Quebec. .

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Philexpert Inc.

About Philexpert Inc.

Philexpert Inc. was established in year 1978

Philexpert Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 9999, boul. Parkway, ANJOU,Quebec, H1J 1P7, Canada

PHILEXPERT INC. Company Profile
Company Name Philexpert Inc.
Establishment Number 234567018997
Website Visit Philexpert Inc. Website
Phone 514-351-1620
Established Year 1978
Province Quebec
Address 9999, boul. Parkway
H1J 1P7
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person Philippe Michaud (President)
Phone Number 514-351-1620
Fax Number 514-351-1270
Country of Ownership Canada
Philexpert Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Sandblasting productsDistributor of sandblast products, CLEMCO, Manus Abrasive, Bullard. Sale and repair of blast machines, Suction and Pressure Sandblast Cabinet.
sandblasting & compressorsAll products related to sandblasting,and compressors. We have used and new equipement. We are the main distributor of Clemco products: Blastpots, sandblast cabinets,etc...
Philexpert Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
417230Industrial Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors

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