Horizon Achievement Centre Located at 780 Upper Prince St., SYDNEY,Nova Scotia, B1P 5N6, , Sydney, Nova Scotia. .

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Horizon Achievement Centre

About Horizon Achievement Centre

Horizon Achievement Centre was established in year 1984

Horizon Achievement Centre registered place of business address in record is: 780 Upper Prince St., SYDNEY,Nova Scotia, B1P 5N6, Canada

Company Name Horizon Achievement Centre
Establishment Number 234567018979
Website Visit Horizon Achievement Centre Website
Phone 902-539-8553
Established Year 1984
Province Nova Scotia
Address 780 Upper Prince St.
SYDNEY,Nova Scotia
B1P 5N6
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person David Alteen (Data Provider)
Phone Number 902-539-8553
Fax Number 902-567-0415
Country of Ownership Canada
Horizon Achievement Centre Company Services
ServiceService Description
Advertising SpecialtiesPromotional Buttons, Sample Kit Assembly, Place Mats Coupon Books, Convention Kits, Fund Raising Items
Mail PreparationMail preparation for all modes of delivery by Canada Post. Database mailing lists, Address correction and validation, pre- sortation of mail,we can provide incentive postage rates, We are an authorized mail-house. In house print shop for all types of admail, monthly statements and specializing in "micro encoding".
Food ServicesFully equipped Catering and Bakery Department. Both in house and off site catering. Bakery products include a line of Diabetic baked goods.
Horizon Achievement Centre Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
624310Vocational Rehabilitation Services

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