Crestant Music Located at 71 Bob O'Link Ave, CONCORD,Ontario, L4K 1H1, , Concord, Ontario. .

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Crestant Music

About Crestant Music

Crestant Music was established in year 1990

Crestant Music registered place of business address in record is: 71 Bob O'Link Ave, CONCORD,Ontario, L4K 1H1, Canada

CRESTANT MUSIC Company Profile
Company Name Crestant Music
Establishment Number 234567018868
Website Visit Crestant Music Website
Phone 905-669-0728
Established Year 1990
Province Ontario
Address 71 Bob O'Link Ave
L4K 1H1
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Kory Livingstone (Owner)
Phone Number 905-669-0728
Fax Number 905-669-5165
Country of Ownership Canada
Crestant Music Company Services
ServiceService Description
MusicLive music for all corporate and social events. All styles of music. Solo to orchestra. Concerts for special events; employee appreciation etc. Music & songs composed for special events.
Crestant Music Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
711512Independent Actors, Comedians and Performers

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