Automatisation Grimard inc. Located at 830 De Tadoussac Rd, CANTON TREMBLAY,Quebec, G7H 5A8, , Canton Tremblay, Quebec. .

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Automatisation Grimard inc.

About Automatisation Grimard Inc.

Automatisation Grimard Inc. was established in year 1985

Automatisation Grimard Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 830 De Tadoussac Rd, CANTON TREMBLAY,Quebec, G7H 5A8, Canada

Company Name Automatisation Grimard inc.
Establishment Number 234567018867
Website Visit Automatisation Grimard inc. Website
Phone 418-696-9000
Established Year 1985
Province Quebec
Address 830 De Tadoussac Rd
G7H 5A8
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Jacques Côté (General Manager)
Phone Number 418-549-0775
Fax Number 418-549-0357
Country of Ownership Canada
Automatisation Grimard inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Electrical control panelFounded in 1985 to meet the industry needs in assembly of programmable logic controller (PLC) cabinets and control panels, SPC Automation inc is now offering besides, the assembly of electronics and pneumatics systems, the conception and start-up of those equipments.
Automatisation Grimard inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
334511Navigational and Guidance Instruments Manufacturing
335315Switchgear and Switchboard, and Relay and Industrial Control Apparatus Manufacturing
541420Industrial Design Services

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