Amasak International Inc. Located at 22 Mill St, HILLSBURGH,Ontario, N0B 1Z0, , Hillsburgh, Ontario. .

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Amasak International Inc.

About Amasak International Inc.

Amasak International Inc. was established in year 1986

Amasak International Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 22 Mill St, HILLSBURGH,Ontario, N0B 1Z0, Canada

Company Name Amasak International Inc.
Operating Name Avax International
Establishment Number 234567018813
Website Visit Amasak International Inc. Website
Phone 647-367-1039
Established Year 1986
Province Ontario
Address 22 Mill St
N0B 1Z0
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person Andrew Senior (Data Provider, Sales)
Phone Number 647-367-1039
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Amasak International Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Computer tape solutionsTape drives, tape libraries, tape arrays, tape duplicators and electronic tape replacement units for a wide variety of platforms and operating systems.
Tape encryption appliancesHardware in-line interlaced AES and DES-3 encryption to provide high security data protection for tape devices
Disk to disk backupDisk to disk (D2D) backup appliances with "bare metal" crash recovery capabilities. Support for 20 different operating systems.
Disk to disk to tape backupDisk to disk to tape (D2D2T) backup appliances.
Magnetic Tape ReplacementElectronic replacement for magnetic tape drives for use with Telco switches, pre-press and any system that currently logs to, or requires input from, magnetic tape drives.
SCSI switchesElectronic SCSI switches to allow the sharing of SCSI disk and tape devices between multiple systems or server clustering.
Tape duplicatorsOff-line tape duplication systems for computer tapes. Create multiple copies of computer tapes for distribution or off-site storage.
Data interchange softwareSoftware to allow computer tapes that have been produced on disparate platforms to be read on Windows or Unix based systems. Also allows tapes to be written in a variety of formats.
Manual Hard Drive DestroyerDevice to securely destroy computer hard drives so that they can be safely disposed of. Manual or power units available.
iSCSI bridgeiSCSI to SCSI bridge. Allows the connection of SCSI devices directly to the network. Also allows a system to access the newtork via a SCSI controller.
Fibre-SCSI bridgeAllows the connection of a SCSI device to a fibre channel network or a fibre device to a SCSI controller.
Amasak International Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
417310Computer, Computer Peripheral and Pre-Packaged Software Wholesaler-Distributors

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