Excavation Loiselle Inc. Located at 280 Pie XII Blvd, SALABERRY-DE-VALLEYFIELD,Quebec, J6S 6P7, , Salaberry-de-valleyfield, Quebec. .

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Excavation Loiselle Inc.

About Excavation Loiselle Inc.

Excavation Loiselle Inc. was established in year 1971

Excavation Loiselle Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 280 Pie XII Blvd, SALABERRY-DE-VALLEYFIELD,Quebec, J6S 6P7, Canada

Company Name Excavation Loiselle Inc.
Establishment Number 234567018774
Website Visit Excavation Loiselle Inc. Website
Phone 450-373-4274
Established Year 1971
Province Quebec
Address 280 Pie XII Blvd
J6S 6P7
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Paul Béluse (President)
Phone Number 450-373-4274
Fax Number 450-373-5631
Country of Ownership Canada
Excavation Loiselle Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
ExcavationThe English version will be translated in a near future.
EnvironmentThe English version will be translated in a near future.
StructureLoiselle Ouvrages d’art has been expertly completing road, municipal and industrial works since 2006. Our team works with an attention to detail that is worthy of our clients’ and partners’ highest expectations. Loiselle Ouvrages d’art is always ahead of the latest quality control and safety standards, and we are equipped to meet the growing demand and needs of this major market. Our mission and objectives: Client satisfaction and service quality are our signature, and the basis for our reputation as a leader in civil engineering. Ongoing innovation and forward-looking methods and processes enable us to successfully complete all of our projects on time and on budget. Loiselle Ouvrages d’art knows how to meet its clients’ needs and ensure they are completely satisfied. To do this, we offer our clients the kind of service they expect from an industry leader. Likewise, we put together teams of experts who are driven by innovation in applied methods. REALISATIONS: Construction of a CP railway bridge over Henry-Ford Boulevard Complete construction of a reinforced-concrete, portal-style railway bridge, a temporary cofferdam with sheet piling and rock anchors for the CP railway track, a pumping station including the generator set and building, a sewer line, a storm sewer system, road lighting system, and other related work. Construction of temporary shoring for the bridge on Autoroute 20, over Autoroute 540 Installation of piling and pile heads; pile reinforcement with reinforced concrete; concrete repairs with extra layer; installation of steel structure for shoring along existing portal beams; traffic control; and related work. Formwork and concrete work on structures 2.22.1, 2.22.2, 2.23, 2.31 and 2.32 on Autoroute 30 Formwork and concrete work on five overpasses spanning 37 m to 88 m, and related work.
DrillingThe English version will be translated in a near future.
Excavation Loiselle Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
237110Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction
237310Highway, Street and Bridge Construction

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