Tabbed Tape-Strip Corp. Located at 4428 County Rd 121, KINMOUNT,Ontario, K0M 2A0, , Kinmount, Ontario. .

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Tabbed Tape-Strip Corp.

About Tabbed Tape-strip Corp.

Tabbed Tape-strip Corp. was established in year 1990

Tabbed Tape-strip Corp. registered place of business address in record is: 4428 County Rd 121, KINMOUNT,Ontario, K0M 2A0, Canada

Company Name Tabbed Tape-Strip Corp.
Operating Name T.T.S.
Establishment Number 234567018711
Website Visit Tabbed Tape-Strip Corp. Website
Phone 705-488-2615
Established Year 1990
Province Ontario
Address 4428 County Rd 121
K0M 2A0
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person David Allen (Manager)
Phone Number 705-488-2615
Fax Number 705-488-2147
Country of Ownership Canada
Tabbed Tape-Strip Corp. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Material ConverterAdd value to 3M acrylic and bonding tapes through conversion into tape bars, tape strips, die cut shapes, and T.T. rolls.
Tabbed Tape-Strip Corp. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
325520Adhesive Manufacturing

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