Donalco Western Inc. Located at 8804 53 Ave NW, EDMONTON,Alberta, T6E 5G2, , Edmonton, Alberta. .

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Donalco Western Inc.

About Donalco Western Inc.

Donalco Western Inc. was established in year 1974

Donalco Western Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 8804 53 Ave NW, EDMONTON,Alberta, T6E 5G2, Canada

Company Name Donalco Western Inc.
Establishment Number 234567018689
Website Visit Donalco Western Inc. Website
Phone 780-448-1660
Established Year 1974
Province Alberta
Address 8804 53 Ave NW
T6E 5G2
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Janice Bialasek (Controller)
Phone Number 780-448-1660
Fax Number 780-448-0102
Country of Ownership Canada
Donalco Western Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
FireproofingTYPES OF SERVICES OUR FIRM PROVIDES 1. Asbestos – Removal & Abatement 2. Industrial Fireproofing 3. Steel Encased Concrete Fireproofing 4. Shotcrete / Gunite 5. Expansion Joint Fireproofing 6. Intumescent Fireproofing 7. Pre-manufactured Hi-Temperature Board Fireproofing 8. Firestopping 9. Cable Tray Fireproofing 10. Industrial Insulation & Aluminium Jacketing 11. Commercial Insulation & Contracts 12. Pipe Insulation & Equipment Vessels – Tanks, Turbines, Boilers 13. Reusable Covers 14. Commercial Spray Fireproofing 15. Sprayed Thermal Insulation 16. Sprayed Acoustical Material 17. Sprayed Foam Insulation 18. Spray & Trowel Thermal Barriers 19. Sprayed Cellulose Insulation 20. Spray Air Seal 21. PCB Removal & Disposal 22. Maintenance Services 23. Insulation Materials – Supply Refineries Gas Processing Plants Petro Chemical Power Plants Pulp & Paper Mining
Asbestos AbatementTYPES OF SERVICES OUR FIRM PROVIDES 1. Asbestos – Removal & Abatement 2. Industrial Fireproofing 3. Steel Encased Concrete Fireproofing 4. Shotcrete / Gunite 5. Expansion Joint Fireproofing 6. Intumescent Fireproofing 7. Pre-manufactured Hi-Temperature Board Fireproofing 8. Firestopping 9. Cable Tray Fireproofing 10. Industrial Insulation & Aluminium Jacketing 11. Commercial Insulation & Contracts 12. Pipe Insulation & Equipment Vessels – Tanks, Turbines, Boilers 13. Reusable Covers 14. Commercial Spray Fireproofing 15. Sprayed Thermal Insulation 16. Sprayed Acoustical Material 17. Sprayed Foam Insulation 18. Spray & Trowel Thermal Barriers 19. Sprayed Cellulose Insulation 20. Spray Air Seal 21. PCB Removal & Disposal 22. Maintenance Services 23. Insulation Materials – Supply Refineries Gas Processing Plants Petro Chemical Power Plants Pulp & Paper Mining
FirestoppingTYPES OF SERVICES OUR FIRM PROVIDES 1. Asbestos – Removal & Abatement 2. Industrial Fireproofing 3. Steel Encased Concrete Fireproofing 4. Shotcrete / Gunite 5. Expansion Joint Fireproofing 6. Intumescent Fireproofing 7. Pre-manufactured Hi-Temperature Board Fireproofing 8. Firestopping 9. Cable Tray Fireproofing 10. Industrial Insulation & Aluminium Jacketing 11. Commercial Insulation & Contracts 12. Pipe Insulation & Equipment Vessels – Tanks, Turbines, Boilers 13. Reusable Covers 14. Commercial Spray Fireproofing 15. Sprayed Thermal Insulation 16. Sprayed Acoustical Material 17. Sprayed Foam Insulation 18. Spray & Trowel Thermal Barriers 19. Sprayed Cellulose Insulation 20. Spray Air Seal 21. PCB Removal & Disposal 22. Maintenance Services 23. Insulation Materials – Supply Refineries Gas Processing Plants Petro Chemical Power Plants Pulp & Paper Mining
Donalco Western Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
238990All Other Specialty Trade Contractors
562910Remediation Services

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