Multi Risk Management International Located at 518-300 Du Saint-Sacrement St, MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H2Y 1X4, , Montreal, QC, Quebec. .

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Multi Risk Management International

About Multi Risk Management International

Multi Risk Management International was established in year 2005

Multi Risk Management International registered place of business address in record is: 518-300 Du Saint-Sacrement St, MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H2Y 1X4, Canada

Company Name Multi Risk Management International
Operating Name Multi Risk International
Establishment Number 234567018622
Website Visit Multi Risk Management International Website
Phone 514-287-0808
Established Year 2005
Province Quebec
Address 518-300 Du Saint-Sacrement St
H2Y 1X4
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Josiane Simon (President)
Phone Number 514-287-0808
Fax Number 514-287-0505
Country of Ownership Canada
Multi Risk Management International Company Services
ServiceService Description
Risk assessment and management including Emergency and business continuity managementOur approach aims to prevent and improve the state of readiness towards emergencies through flexible and personalised consulting services. We favour a progressive approach directed towards an integration of risk and emergency management into the regular management processes. We can support and guide you through this process while suggesting tools and solutions that answer your concerns. Our services include : organisational diagnosis and audits, risk and vulnerability analysis, business impact analysis, development of management strategies, exercise development, control and evaluation, prevention program, emergency plan, communication plan, response plan, business continuity plan, training program and exercise program.
Multi Risk Management International Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541690Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services
611430Professional and Management Development Training

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