Cascadia Metals Ltd. Located at 1900 33rd St E, BRANDON,Manitoba, R7A 5Y4, , Brandon, Manitoba. .

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Cascadia Metals Ltd.

About Cascadia Metals Ltd.

Cascadia Metals Ltd. was established in year 1983

Cascadia Metals Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 1900 33rd St E, BRANDON,Manitoba, R7A 5Y4, Canada

Company Name Cascadia Metals Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567018225
Website Visit Cascadia Metals Ltd. Website
Phone 204-728-9484
Established Year 1983
Province Manitoba
Address 1900 33rd St E
R7A 5Y4
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person Melanie Maines (Representative)
Phone Number 204-728-9484
Fax Number 204-727-3026
Country of Ownership Canada
Cascadia Metals Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Steelcut and ship a variety of sizes and gauges of steel product. Some of which include: Sheet-hot rolled, cold rolled, galvanized, pre-painted Plate Tubing-round, square, rectangular Pipe Angle Flat Channel Beam Round Bar Rebar-standard Expanded Metal Sqare Bar
Cascadia Metals Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
416210Metal Service Centres

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