Extrn Inc. Located at 206-815 de la Carrière Blvd, GATINEAU,Quebec, J8Y 6T4, , Gatineau, Quebec. .

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Extrn Inc.

About Extrn Inc.

Extrn Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 206-815 de la Carrière Blvd, GATINEAU,Quebec, J8Y 6T4, Canada

EXTRN INC. Company Profile
Company Name Extrn Inc.
Establishment Number 234567017857
Website Visit Extrn Inc. Website
Phone 819-595-0694
Established Year -
Province Quebec
Address 206-815 de la Carrière Blvd
J8Y 6T4
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Richard Chénier (Director)
Phone Number 819-595-0694
Fax Number 866-433-1339
Country of Ownership
Extrn Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Advice for businesses with public contracts on the internetSince 1993, Solutions Antenne is a Merx Value added Resseler, a professional service that manualy search Merx for you every day. Quebec subscribed SME's receives ONLY the most interesting tenders. To LEVEL UP THE RESULTS we give information about previous awards, technical advices and tips on how to use office softwares to maximise the business contacts, we also sell and distribute Merx tender documents. Solutions Antenne is a non- profit organisation in partnership with Canada Economic Development for Quebec regions.
Extrn Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541619Other Management Consulting Services

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