Czech Communications Inc. Located at 400 Kelvin Blvd, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R3P 0J2, , Winnipeg, Manitoba. .

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Czech Communications Inc.

About Czech Communications Inc.

Czech Communications Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 400 Kelvin Blvd, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R3P 0J2, Canada

Company Name Czech Communications Inc.
Establishment Number 234567015462
Website Visit Czech Communications Inc. Website
Phone 204-832-3578
Established Year -
Province Manitoba
Address 400 Kelvin Blvd
R3P 0J2
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Barbara Czech (President)
Phone Number 204-832-3578
Fax Number 204-885-3647
Country of Ownership
Czech Communications Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Communications ConsultingCommunications consulting, media relations, public relations, public consultations, writing and editing. Czech Communications is a full-service communications consultancy, specializing in communications strategies and audits, issues/crisis management, and media relations and training. Owner and principal consultant Barbara Czech has 20 years experience in communications/public relations and journalism. By design, Czech Communications Inc. is a small firm, so that the principal consultant--not a junior associate-- may personally work on behalf of each client. At the same time, the firm draws on a network of long-standing associates to build a team tailored to meet each client’s specific needs. For example, Czech Communications works with a bank of experienced designers, photographers, printers and audio-visual specialists. In this way, clients pay only for the specific expertise they require, and both small and large projects can be accommodated.
media relationsCzech Communications Inc. provides complete media relations programs, including news releases, news conferences, media outreach, and media training workshops.
public relationsCzech Communications provides a full range of public relations services, including communications strategies, issues management, media relations, stakeholder consultations, writing, editing, design, printing, and event management.
consultationsCzech Communications provides a full range of public relations services, including communications strategies, issues management, media relations, stakeholder consultations, writing, editing, design, printing, and event management.
issues managementCzech Communications provides a full range of public relations services, including communications strategies, issues management, media relations, stakeholder consultations, writing, editing, design, printing, and event management.
Czech Communications Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541810Advertising Agencies
541820Public Relations Services

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