Mandrake Management Consultants Located at 401-55 St. Clair Ave W, TORONTO,Ontario, M4V 2Y7, , Toronto, Ontario. .

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Mandrake Management Consultants

About Mandrake Management Consultants

Mandrake Management Consultants was established in year 1971

Mandrake Management Consultants registered place of business address in record is: 401-55 St. Clair Ave W, TORONTO,Ontario, M4V 2Y7, Canada

Company Name Mandrake Management Consultants
Operating Name Mandrake
Establishment Number 234567014760
Website Visit Mandrake Management Consultants Website
Phone 416-922-5400
Established Year 1971
Province Ontario
Address 401-55 St. Clair Ave W
M4V 2Y7
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Bob Sjolin (Chief Financial Officer)
Phone Number 416-922-5400
Fax Number 416-922-1356
Country of Ownership Canada
Mandrake Management Consultants Company Services
ServiceService Description
Executive SearchMandrake's "Executive Search" process is a proprietary direct contact strategy that has evolved over 30 years. It is founded on the basic principle that key executives are never commodities; they are valued, long-term assets. Our solution to filling executive roles is value driven and designed to maximise achievements and inherently strengthen corporate structures. Our search method enables us to leverage our expansive knowledge of all industry sectors, as well as our prestigious network of established partners and candidates, to deliver the kinds of results our clients expect. Our success ultimately becomes yours.
Mergers & AcquisitionsSelection and negotiation of businesses to sell or buy, including divestitures and related financings.
Strategic AlliancesSelection, evaluation and assessment of strategic partners.
Organizational DevelopmentDesign, analysis and development of organizational structures for optimal performance, team building and professional skills training.
StaffingMandrake's "Executive Search" process is a proprietary direct contact strategy that has evolved over 30 years. It is founded on the basic principle that key executives are never commodities; they are valued, long-term assets. Our solution to filling executive roles is value driven and designed to maximise achievements and inherently strengthen corporate structures. Our search method enables us to leverage our expansive knowledge of all industry sectors, as well as our prestigious network of established partners and candidates, to deliver the kinds of results our clients expect. Our success ultimately becomes yours.
RecruitingMandrake's "Executive Search" process is a proprietary direct contact strategy that has evolved over 30 years. It is founded on the basic principle that key executives are never commodities; they are valued, long-term assets. Our solution to filling executive roles is value driven and designed to maximise achievements and inherently strengthen corporate structures. Our search method enables us to leverage our expansive knowledge of all industry sectors, as well as our prestigious network of established partners and candidates, to deliver the kinds of results our clients expect. Our success ultimately becomes yours.
Mandrake Management Consultants Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
551113Holding Companies
561310Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search Services
561320Temporary Help Services

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