Human Factors North Inc. Located at 202-174 Spadina Ave, TORONTO,Ontario, M5T 2C2, , Toronto, Ontario. .

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Human Factors North Inc.

About Human Factors North Inc.

Human Factors North Inc. was established in year 1982

Human Factors North Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 202-174 Spadina Ave, TORONTO,Ontario, M5T 2C2, Canada

Company Name Human Factors North Inc.
Establishment Number 234567014300
Website Visit Human Factors North Inc. Website
Phone 416-596-1252
Established Year 1982
Province Ontario
Address 202-174 Spadina Ave
M5T 2C2
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Alison Smiley (President)
Phone Number 416-596-1252
Fax Number 416-596-6946
Country of Ownership Canada
Human Factors North Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Ergonomics ConsultingCanadian consulting firm established in 1982 providing ergonomics expertise to design work and workplaces based on human characteristics with a goal of preventing injury and improve performance and worker well-being. Cognitive ergonomics - experts in transportation safety, accident investigation, shiftwork, human decisions and visual perception in the aviation, marine and nuclear industries. Occupational ergonomics - consultants have diverse experience in private and public sections in office, industrial, retail, and health care industries and have backgrounds in kinesiology, psychology and health and safety.
Transportation SafetyHuman factors advice in field of transportation safety.
Human Factors North Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541690Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services

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