Machine Tool Systems Inc. Located at 347-3219 Yonge St., TORONTO,Ontario, M4N 2L3, , Toronto, Ontario. .

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Machine Tool Systems Inc.

About Machine Tool Systems Inc.

Machine Tool Systems Inc. was established in year 1998

Machine Tool Systems Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 347-3219 Yonge St., TORONTO,Ontario, M4N 2L3, Canada

Company Name Machine Tool Systems Inc.
Establishment Number 234567014239
Website Visit Machine Tool Systems Inc. Website
Phone 416-254-6298
Established Year 1998
Province Ontario
Address 347-3219 Yonge St.
M4N 2L3
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person John Manley (President)
Phone Number 416-254-6298
Fax Number 416-485-1523
Country of Ownership Canada
Machine Tool Systems Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Grinder - CenterlessCenterless Grinders - thru-feed and plunge feed
Grinder - CylindricalCylindrical Grinders -,Manual and CNC, ID, OD, Universal, Thread, Out-of-Round
Grinder - SurfaceSurface grinders - CNC, hydraulic and manual. Upto 150 HP creep feed grinding capability! 3rd, 4th or 5th axis capability. Turnkey automotive, aerospace applications possible! Single, twin or triple spindles, rotary table and high speed shuttles possible.
Grinder - Tool and CutterTool and Cutter Grinders - Manual and CNC. Endmills, drills, step drills, step tools, porting tools, reamers, milling cutters, g-drills, gundrills, taps, broaches, inserts, woodworking profile tooling, routers, and saws.
Grinders - BroachCNC and Manual. Broach and tool & cutter grinders.
Grinder - Creep FeedCreep Feed Grinders to 150 HP!
Inspection - ToolingTool and Cutter grinding inspection equipment
Dresssing - wheelsWheel dressing equipment with optical feedback to 160X magnification. Ability to generate radii, straights, involute forms, etc.
Lapping MachinesCNC Lapping machines for single and double-sided lapping of parts.
Fine GrindersSuperabrasive machining of flat parts.
Deburring machinesAutomatic deburring machines for the powdered metal and fineblanking industries.
CNC Grinding Equipment - Systems IntegratorMachine Tool Systems Inc. is specialized in Systems Integration of CNC Grinding Equipment. We provide consulting services for a solution to best suit the clients needs from the equipment itself to the filtration systems, training, consumables and ongoing support through our international supply base. Grinding solutions include Centerless, Cylidrical, Filtration, Surface, Tool & Cutter, Universal, Metalworking & Woodworking Saw Blades, and Superabrasive Wheels. Our client list includes Canada's leading Aerospace, Automotive, Die & Mold, Military, Plastics and Tooling Industries.
Machine Tool Systems Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
416330Hardware Wholesaler-Distributors

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