Business Technology Consulting Ltd. Located at 300-223 Queen St, CHARLOTTETOWN,Prince Edward Island, C1A 4B7, , Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. .

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Business Technology Consulting Ltd.

About Business Technology Consulting Ltd.

Business Technology Consulting Ltd. was established in year 1994

Business Technology Consulting Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 300-223 Queen St, CHARLOTTETOWN,Prince Edward Island, C1A 4B7, Canada

Company Name Business Technology Consulting Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567014104
Website Visit Business Technology Consulting Ltd. Website
Phone 902-368-3822
Established Year 1994
Province Prince Edward Island
Address 300-223 Queen St
CHARLOTTETOWN,Prince Edward Island
C1A 4B7
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Allan MacDonald (President)
Phone Number 902-368-3822
Fax Number 902-368-7904
Country of Ownership Canada
Business Technology Consulting Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
IT Project ManagementManaging multiple service providers, service contracts and technical support teams requires specialized project management experience and expertise. We provide this service, merging business knowledge and information technology acumen to effectively manage and control your information technology projects.
IT Consulting ServicesOur Information Technology Consultants can assist you in determining the solutions which will support your business objectives by providing: requirements analysis, business process re-engineering and systems integration. BTC's proficiency in technology assessments and business fit analysis will help you position your firm with flexible and innovative solutions to your directives.
IT Custom SolutionsOur team of consultants, project leaders and programming professionals provide custom solutions for both new system development and the enhancement of existing applications. This service is available for a range of technologies including client server, mainframe, and desk top environments. The team is versatile and experienced in a variety of tools, processes and methodologies enabling organizations to take advantage of flexible, distributed computer platforms through leading-edge information technology. In particular, BTC will support object oriented solutions using PowerBuilder or Visual Basic and relational databases including Oracle, Sybase SQL Anywhere and Microsoft SQl Server.
IT Network/Desktop SupportBusiness Technology Consulting's end user specialists provide a variety of technical support services in the following areas: local area networks, desktop environments, and associated application products. Also, we provide customized training to meet your business needs.
PeopleSoft Application Implementation / MaintenanceOur organization is PeopleSoft certified. We offer our clients a deliverables-oriented approach to PeopleSoft implementation, beginning with designing the organization's business processes and continuing through customization, testing, and delivery. For client's who have implemented PeopleSoft applications, we offer maintenance services for customization and application upgrades.
Business Technology Consulting Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541510Computer Systems Design and Related Services

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