Lochhead Haggerty Engineering & Mfg. Co. Ltd. Located at 508 Eaton Place, Annacis Island, DELTA,British Columbia, V3M 6K9, , Delta, British Columbia. .

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Lochhead Haggerty Engineering & Mfg. Co. Ltd.

About Lochhead Haggerty Engineering & Mfg. Co. Ltd.

Lochhead Haggerty Engineering & Mfg. Co. Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 508 Eaton Place, Annacis Island, DELTA,British Columbia, V3M 6K9, Canada

Company Name Lochhead Haggerty Engineering & Mfg. Co. Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567013793
Website Visit Lochhead Haggerty Engineering & Mfg. Co. Ltd. Website
Phone 604-524-9561
Established Year -
Province British Columbia
Address 508 Eaton Place
Annacis Island
DELTA,British Columbia
V3M 6K9
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Jörg von Beckmann (General Manager)
Phone Number 604-524-9561
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Lochhead Haggerty Engineering & Mfg. Co. Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Carbon Reactivation KilnRotary kilns, indirect fired, electric, natural gas, propane or oil operating at temperaures up to 750 C continuously
Mercury RetortBatch operated vacuum retort for the removal of mercury from precipitates, electrowinning sludge, and recycled materials such as thermometers, electrical switchgear, fluorescent lamp powder, soils, etc. Electric, gas or oil fired.
Rotary DryerDirect fired rotary dryers for base metal concentrates, molybdenum, precious metals, potash, phosphates, etc. Natural gas, propane or oil fired.
Rotary KilnHigh temperature indirect fired rotary kilns opearting in excess of 1000 C in inert or reducing atmospheres for reduction of metal oxides and similar chemical processes. Electric, gas, propane or oil fired.
Batch OvenOvens for sample drying, food drying, etc, electric or gas fired.
Continuous OvenOvens for processing metal parts, food products, lumber, etc. for continuous operation. Electric, gas or oil heated.
Carbon ColumnsActivated carbon filled columns of varying size and materials of construction for the removal of mercury vapor from gas streams. Carbon is sulfur or iodine treated.
Rotary CalcinerIndirect fired rotary calciners opeating up to 1000 C for mineral ores, and chemical processes. Electric, natural gas, propane or oil fired.
FurnaceHigh temperature furnaces for assay, calcining, laboratory, smelting and refining. Batch type
In-line Solution HeaterElectric heaters for continuous in line heating of process solutions, direct or indirect heating
In-line Oil HeaterElectric heaters for heavy or recycled oils, including pumps, strainers and pressure controls, synthetic and fossil fuel.
Custom EngineeringDesign and engineering of custom designed process equipment having specific requirements not normally found in conventional equipment. Complete system design, including process controls.
Lochhead Haggerty Engineering & Mfg. Co. Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
332420Metal Tank (Heavy Gauge) Manufacturing
333990All Other General-Purpose Machinery Manufacturing
541330Engineering Services

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