Maxxam Analytics Located at G-465 George St , Sydney,Nova Scotia, B1P 1K5, , Sydney, Nova Scotia. .

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Maxxam Analytics

About Maxxam Analytics

Maxxam Analytics was established in year 1990

Maxxam Analytics registered place of business address in record is: G-465 George St , Sydney,Nova Scotia, B1P 1K5, Canada

Company Name Maxxam Analytics
Establishment Number 234567012921
Website Visit Maxxam Analytics Website
Phone 902-567-1255
Established Year 1990
Province Nova Scotia
Address G-465 George St
Sydney,Nova Scotia
B1P 1K5
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Michelle Mombourquette (Sales Manager)
Phone Number 902-567-1255
Fax Number 902-539-6504
Country of Ownership Canada
Maxxam Analytics Company Services
ServiceService Description
environmental laboratoryEnvironmental Services Laboratory Inc. is a full-service analytical laboratory specializing in the chemical and microbiological analysis of water, soil, waste materials and air. ESL Inc. employs nineteen full and part-time staff. ESL Inc. specializes in providing high-quality, cost-effective analytical solutions. ESL Inc. has the largest scope of accreditation of any laboratory in Atlantic Canada and in addition, ESL's microbiology laboratory is certified by Environment Canada to provide analytical services under the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program.
Maxxam Analytics Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541620Environmental Consulting Services

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