Rolling Thunder Inc. Located at 772 King St. W., HAMILTON,Ontario, L8S 1K1, , Hamilton, Ontario. .

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Rolling Thunder Inc.

About Rolling Thunder Inc.

Rolling Thunder Inc. was established in year 1995

Rolling Thunder Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 772 King St. W., HAMILTON,Ontario, L8S 1K1, Canada

Company Name Rolling Thunder Inc.
Operating Name Rolling Thunder
Establishment Number 234567012857
Website Visit Rolling Thunder Inc. Website
Phone 905-522-2194
Established Year 1995
Province Ontario
Address 772 King St. W.
L8S 1K1
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Derek Sardo (President)
Phone Number 905-522-2194
Fax Number 905-522-2384
Country of Ownership Canada
Rolling Thunder Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Computer Servers & WorkstationsOur Rolling Thunder 'Lightning' servers and workstations are fully customizable, scalable, high quality machines that run your most demanding application software. Using Windows 2000, we achieve stability, reliability, and security for today's businesses. Contact us today for quotations on this exceptional line of computers.
Computer TechnologyYour single IT solution provider for all your global computer needs including NT networks, computer hardware and software, computer training, digital imaging, document management, internet connectivity, web site creation and implementation, e- commerce solutions, and unbeatable quality and service.
Document ManagementOrganization of paper and electronic documents through the use of Adobe Acrobat. Rolling Thunder can reduce the size of warehousing documents, save companies time in searching documents, and allow for the availability of documents online or in portable formats.
Computer TrainingAt Rolling Thunder we know that your computer will only work to its potential if you use the application software to its potential. Too often time and money are wasted because an organization’s workforce is not trained to effectively use the software on their systems. How many hours have been spent trying to figure out a command or function that a qualified instructor could teach in a matter of minutes? At Rolling Thunder, we offer 22 different courses, covering all major software labels. Our courses range from an Introduction to Computers to Internet Use and Graphic Design. Our emphasis is on providing a thorough understanding of each application, for improved retention and the confidence to let you work effectively. Our classroom consists of twelve networked computers. With a maximum class size of twelve people, we achieve an optimal level of instructor-student contact. Rolling Thunder also offers hourly group and individual instruction, either on or off-site.
Digital ImagingFor companies, like insurance or real estate, that use photography for administrative purposes, we have only two words — DIGITAL IMAGING. Eliminate the cost of film and processing, the time it takes to load film, drop off rolls or pick up prints with the purchase of a digital camera from Rolling Thunder. CD-ROMs and Internet multimedia, deliver vivid, high impact presentations, complete with brilliant colours, stunning graphics, demonstrations and sound. Put your promotions or sales pitch on the internet for the whole world to see. You will be guaranteed maximum impact for minimal cost.
Internet ConnectivityRolling Thunder can bring you online. Our web design specialists will take you through the process of web site creation. Working with you, they will determine your objectives and create the Internet package that will make people want to visit your site time and time again. Rolling Thunder offers a full spectrum of graphic design services. We will produce a quality product for you that makes a powerful statement about who you are and what you have to offer. Take a look at some of our previous projects — from logos to letterheads, brochures to advertising specialities. We do not mind the extra attention, and our clients don’t mind the extra exposure! We also deal with high end connectivity to the internet using satellite, wireless, fiber, and DSL solutions.
Rolling Thunder Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
334110Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing

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