ELJO Industries Located at 330 Saulteaux Cres., WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R3J 3T2, , Winnipeg, Manitoba. .

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ELJO Industries

About Eljo Industries

Eljo Industries was established in year 1993

Eljo Industries registered place of business address in record is: 330 Saulteaux Cres., WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R3J 3T2, Canada

Company Name ELJO Industries
Operating Name Tamarack Industries
Establishment Number 234567012821
Website Visit ELJO Industries Website
Phone 204-885-5800
Established Year 1993
Province Manitoba
Address 330 Saulteaux Cres.
R3J 3T2
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Gregory Kunderman (Representative)
Phone Number 204-885-5800
Fax Number 204-885-7557
Country of Ownership Canada
ELJO Industries Company Services
ServiceService Description
Heat King mobile glycol heating machinesIn the Heat King product line we manufacture tow behind mobile glycol heaters for ground thawing, concrete curing, space heating or emergency heat.
Heat Assault mobile glycol heating equipmentIn the Heat Assault product line we manufacture mobile glycol heating equipment used for the eradication of Bed Bugs. The most powerful in the pest management industry.
ELJO Industries Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
333120Construction Machinery Manufacturing

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