ndb Technologie inc. Located at 111-1405 Saint-Jean-Baptiste Ave., QUÉBEC,Quebec, G2E 5K2, , QuÉbec, Quebec. .

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ndb Technologie inc.

About Ndb Technologie Inc.

Ndb Technologie Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 111-1405 Saint-Jean-Baptiste Ave., QUÉBEC,Quebec, G2E 5K2, Canada

Company Name ndb Technologie inc.
Establishment Number 234567012417
Website Visit ndb Technologie inc. Website
Phone 418-877-7701
Established Year -
Province Quebec
Address 111-1405 Saint-Jean-Baptiste Ave.
G2E 5K2
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Luc Hamel (President)
Phone Number 418-877-7701
Fax Number 418-877-7787
Country of Ownership Canada
ndb Technologie inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Electronic Engineering SpecialtiesNdb Tech calibration is a verification and adjustment of all parameters that allow optimal performance of your equipment. When sending your unit for a calibration, you receive the following benefits: – Test results before and after calibration (if required) – Calibration – Performance verification – Mandatory upgrades Upon receipt of the equipment for calibration or repair, our process includes a comparison between current performance and reference units. After checking the performance of the unit, we apply the necessary adjustments in order for the equipment to meet the specifications.
Measuring & Control EquipmentCable and phase identification Detection of partial discharge, corona effects and arcs Micro resistance measuring Substation maintenance test equipment
ndb Technologie inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
334512Measuring, Medical and Controlling Devices Manufacturing
811210Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance

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