J.K. SALES Located at 1A-2175 Dunwin Dr., MISSISSAUGA,Ontario, L5L 1X2, , Mississauga, Ontario. .

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About J.k. Sales

J.k. Sales was established in year 1992

J.k. Sales registered place of business address in record is: 1A-2175 Dunwin Dr., MISSISSAUGA,Ontario, L5L 1X2, Canada

J.K. SALES Company Profile
Company Name J.K. SALES
Establishment Number 234567012392
Website Visit J.K. SALES Website
Phone 905-608-2068
Established Year 1992
Province Ontario
Address 1A-2175 Dunwin Dr.
L5L 1X2
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person James Klassen (Data Provider)
Phone Number 905-670-0211
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
J.K. SALES Company Services
ServiceService Description
Sales RepresentativesManufacturers representatives serving the automotive after market in Eastern Canada
J.K. SALES Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
419120Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers

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